Advertise in the Newsline
The Newsline is a weekly email featuring local news and events that SRN sends to subscribers in our neighborhood. We welcome classified ads from individuals, families, and home-based businesses within the SRN boundaries. Ads are limited to 50 words, and be sure to include your contact information. Send them to [email protected] and indicate how many times you want your ad to run.
Prices for Newsline ads are as follows:
Families & individuals: First issue is free, then $5 for each additional repeat of the same ad.
Home-based businesses: $7.50 per Newsline issue
Commercial businesses: $10/issue
Payment for all ads is due prior to publication. Please make checks payable to Skyline Ridge Neighbors and mail to Rachael Brake, 14109 NW Rock Creek Rd., Portland, OR 97231. Or you can pay by Venmo (@Rachael-Brake). Please be sure to indicate which ad you are paying for and how many times you wish it to run.
Updated Aug. 2024
The Newsline is a weekly email featuring local news and events that SRN sends to subscribers in our neighborhood. We welcome classified ads from individuals, families, and home-based businesses within the SRN boundaries. Ads are limited to 50 words, and be sure to include your contact information. Send them to [email protected] and indicate how many times you want your ad to run.
Prices for Newsline ads are as follows:
Families & individuals: First issue is free, then $5 for each additional repeat of the same ad.
Home-based businesses: $7.50 per Newsline issue
Commercial businesses: $10/issue
Payment for all ads is due prior to publication. Please make checks payable to Skyline Ridge Neighbors and mail to Rachael Brake, 14109 NW Rock Creek Rd., Portland, OR 97231. Or you can pay by Venmo (@Rachael-Brake). Please be sure to indicate which ad you are paying for and how many times you wish it to run.
Updated Aug. 2024
Advertise in the Skyline Ridge Runner
The Skyline Ridge Runner is a free quarterly publication mailed to approximately 1400 households in rural northwestern Multnomah County, Oregon. A color version is also distributed via email subscription and is posted on this website. It is published by Skyline Ridge Neighbors (SRN), an all-volunteer nonprofit neighborhood association, as a public service to provide news and information to residents. Deadlines for all ad submissions are the 15th of March, June, September and December.
Classified Ads
Classified (line) ads are limited to 50 words or less. Be sure to include your phone number or email address. Type the text of your ad exactly as you want it to appear. Ads must be submitted either by email or typewritten by mail (see addresses below).
Inside the SRN Boundaries:
Outside the SRN Boundaries:
Display Ads
Display ads are business card size and can include both text and graphics. The standard size is 3.5 inches wide by 2 inches high. Lay out your ad with text and graphics exactly as you wish them to appear. Ads should be submitted as images of not less than 300 dpi resolution. PDF, DOC or TIF are the preferred file formats; please first consult the Editor if you wish to submit your ad in a different file format. Display ads must be submitted by email.
Addresses for Ridge Runner Ad Submission
Email (preferred): [email protected]
Mail (classifieds only): c/o Miles Merwin, Editor, PO Box 2307, Portland, OR 97208.
The Skyline Ridge Runner is a free quarterly publication mailed to approximately 1400 households in rural northwestern Multnomah County, Oregon. A color version is also distributed via email subscription and is posted on this website. It is published by Skyline Ridge Neighbors (SRN), an all-volunteer nonprofit neighborhood association, as a public service to provide news and information to residents. Deadlines for all ad submissions are the 15th of March, June, September and December.
Classified Ads
Classified (line) ads are limited to 50 words or less. Be sure to include your phone number or email address. Type the text of your ad exactly as you want it to appear. Ads must be submitted either by email or typewritten by mail (see addresses below).
Inside the SRN Boundaries:
- Individuals & families: No cost for free or donated items. $5 per issue for all other ads, e.g. for sale and help wanted.
- Home-based businesses: $7.50 per issue or $20 per year.
- Commercial businesses: $10/issue or $35/year
Outside the SRN Boundaries:
- Individuals & families: $5/issue
- Commercial & home-based businesses: $10/issue or $35/year
Display Ads
Display ads are business card size and can include both text and graphics. The standard size is 3.5 inches wide by 2 inches high. Lay out your ad with text and graphics exactly as you wish them to appear. Ads should be submitted as images of not less than 300 dpi resolution. PDF, DOC or TIF are the preferred file formats; please first consult the Editor if you wish to submit your ad in a different file format. Display ads must be submitted by email.
- Businesses, organizations, public agencies: $35/issue or $120/year
Addresses for Ridge Runner Ad Submission
Email (preferred): [email protected]
Mail (classifieds only): c/o Miles Merwin, Editor, PO Box 2307, Portland, OR 97208.