Asian Gypsy Moth
Although Asian gypsy moths are not established in Oregon, they were detected in the summer 2015 in Forest Park, North Portland and in Washington state. Asian gypsy moth is an exotic pest and a closely related species to the European gypsy moth. The European gypsy moth is well known for defoliating (eating leaves off of trees) an average of 700,000 acres per year, and as much as 12.9 million acres of forest in the eastern United States in a single year. In the last 30 years, Asian gypsy moth has been detected in Oregon three times and successfully eradicated each time. The national policy is to eradicate Asian gypsy moth if detected, because of its ability to quickly defoliate large tracts of forest. The moths that were detected in Portland were likely from cargo or vessels originating from Asia in 2014.
A forest that has been defoliated loses its ability to provide essential ecosystem services such as air purification, water quality, temperature mitigation, wildlife habitat, biodiversity, and storm water interception. Trees that have been defoliated are more susceptible to disease, stress and a higher death rate. Trees are an essential part of Oregon’s character, economy, landscape and ecological function. If we do not extinguish the current population, eradication of a larger population would be more expensive and more expansive. Additionally, if the moth were to become widely established, homeowners and forest land managers would experience defoliation events and rising pest control costs.
Thee Asian gypsy moth behaves differently and is much more difficult to control than the European gypsy moth. Asian gypsy moth female can fly, whereas European gypsy moth females do not. In addition, Asian gypsy moth caterpillars are known to feed on many more types of trees and shrubs. These two characteristics can allow the moth to easily become established, spread more quickly, and impact more types of forests. Because of this, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has recognized Asian gypsy moth as a significant exotic pest of economic importance4 and maintains a policy of quick response to any detections of the moth.
Opportunities for Control
Since the Asian gypsy moth was just detected in the summer of 2015, we have a unique and small window of opportunity to ensure the population does not become established in Oregon. If we are able to terminate any early infestations of gypsy moth caterpillars that hatch this coming spring, then we can avoid the species establishing a population in our forest.
A technical working group of experts from the United States and Canada came together in late 2015 to decide how best to respond to the threat of Asian gypsy moth. After analyzing several options, they determined that three aerial applications in the Paci c Northwest of Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki (Btk) in late April of 2016 is the best option. Btk is a biological pesticide approved by the Organic Materials Review Institute6 for use in the organic production of herbs, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and eld crops. Foray 48B, the formulation that would be used, is specific to caterpillars. Btk has previously been used in Oregon for the purpose of gypsy moth eradication for over 30 years. In each case, the moth was successfully and safely removed from those ecosystems.
How do gypsy moths get to Oregon? European gypsy moths mainly enter Oregon on infested items brought from eastern areas of the country where gypsy moth populations are established. e female lays her eggs on solid surfaces, such as outdoor furniture, recreational and other vehicles, firewood, birdhouses, and doghouses. As people travel from the eastern states, they often bring these contaminated items with them, allowing the moth to hatch and spread.
Asian gypsy moths, which are not established anywhere in North America, come into the state along the Columbia River via ships and shipping containers from Asia and Russia. Extensive screening is done by port officials, but due to the volume and origin of shipments, absolute elimination of this pest is difficult.
Why is the gypsy moth a destructive forest pest?
The gypsy moth is an exotic, highly destructive invasive species that has defoliated millions of acres of trees and shrubs in the northeastern United States. It is established in 19 states in the northeast and threatens new states each year. Gypsy moths can spread rapidly if not controlled and will feed on hundreds of tree and shrub species. Preferred hosts include oak, apple, alder, hazelnut, willow, birch, madrone, cottonwood, and plum. When populations are high, they have been shown to also feed on rs and other coniferous species. ere are two similar looking strains of gypsy moth that threaten Oregon: the European and the Asian. However, the European female does not fly and the Asian female does. e Asian gypsy moth also has a broader host range and will feed readily on pines and firs. Since the Asian gypsy moth has a broad host range and has the ability to y, it could spread rapidly in the Paci c Northwest.
What kind of damage does the gypsy moth do?
Gypsy moths pose significant economic, ecological, and recreational costs as populations defoliate natural and urban areas. Tree defoliation along streams can result in higher water temperatures and increased loading of organic material. As areas are defoliated, the entire habitat is a ected. Fish and other aquatic organisms, as well as terrestrial plants and animals, can su er due to the damage that they cause.
Gypsy moths may prevent shipments of trees, lumber, and nursery plants by forcing quarantine restrictions, which will a ect the economy of an infested area. Increased pesticide use often occurs once populations are established to keep their numbers from exploding. Caterpillars can induce rashes in those that su er allergic reactions from contact with caterpillar hairs.
Gypsy moth lifecycle
Gypsy moths produce one generation of o spring per year and lay 50-1000 eggs during the fall, depositing them in small fuzzy masses. Caterpillars hatch during the spring and begin to feed on host plants. In early July, the caterpillars transform into a non-feeding stage called the pupa and begin to develop into a moth. By mid- to late-July adult moths emerge, mate, and the life cycle begins again.
Early Detection Rapid Response protocol
The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) and affiliated organizations have successfully protected Oregon’s natural and agricultural areas from biological
invaders, such as gypsy moth, for approximately 40 years. e success of these projects has largely been attributed to applying the Early Detection Rapid
Response (EDRR) protocol for invasive species, which places a high priority on preventing introduction and establishment of any gypsy moths. To facilitate early
detection of newly introduced gypsy moths, ODA has a yearly large-scale trapping program throughout the state. In 2015 alone, over 15,000 gypsy moth traps were
deployed and monitored. e protocol states that the detection of a single gypsy moth will result in increased trapping and monitoring. If a breeding population of
gypsy moth is discovered, or thought likely based on trapping data, an eradication will likely be necessary. Eradicating gypsy moth populations when they are small allows an overall decrease in pesticide use. If allowed to establish in Oregon, controlling gypsy moth would require a much greater and wide spread use of pesticides.
Get involved
1. Report any suspected gypsy moth life stages to the Oregon Invasives Hotline (oregoninvasiveshotline. org/reports/new).
2. Do not move wood products, firewood, plant material, outdoor household articles, or recreational vehicles out of gypsy moth infested areas without proper certification.
3. Encourage anyone you know who has recently moved here or visited here from the northeastern US to contact ODA for a free inspection of outdoor household articles and recreational vehicles.
4. Volunteer to have a trap placed on your property during the summer (oregoninvasivespeciescouncil. org/agm).
5. Sign up for the Oregon Invasive Species Council newsletter to keep up to date with all invasive species issues in Oregon (
For more information:
Oregon Invasive Species Council
Oregon Department of Agriculture Plant Protection and Conservation Programs 635 Capitol St. NE Salem, OR 97301-2532 503-986-4636 or 1-800-525-0137
Extracted from "Gypsy Moth: A Destructive Forest Pest," and "Asian Gypsy Moth: Threat and Opportunity in Oregon," ODA and Oregon Invasive Species Council
A forest that has been defoliated loses its ability to provide essential ecosystem services such as air purification, water quality, temperature mitigation, wildlife habitat, biodiversity, and storm water interception. Trees that have been defoliated are more susceptible to disease, stress and a higher death rate. Trees are an essential part of Oregon’s character, economy, landscape and ecological function. If we do not extinguish the current population, eradication of a larger population would be more expensive and more expansive. Additionally, if the moth were to become widely established, homeowners and forest land managers would experience defoliation events and rising pest control costs.
Thee Asian gypsy moth behaves differently and is much more difficult to control than the European gypsy moth. Asian gypsy moth female can fly, whereas European gypsy moth females do not. In addition, Asian gypsy moth caterpillars are known to feed on many more types of trees and shrubs. These two characteristics can allow the moth to easily become established, spread more quickly, and impact more types of forests. Because of this, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has recognized Asian gypsy moth as a significant exotic pest of economic importance4 and maintains a policy of quick response to any detections of the moth.
Opportunities for Control
Since the Asian gypsy moth was just detected in the summer of 2015, we have a unique and small window of opportunity to ensure the population does not become established in Oregon. If we are able to terminate any early infestations of gypsy moth caterpillars that hatch this coming spring, then we can avoid the species establishing a population in our forest.
A technical working group of experts from the United States and Canada came together in late 2015 to decide how best to respond to the threat of Asian gypsy moth. After analyzing several options, they determined that three aerial applications in the Paci c Northwest of Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki (Btk) in late April of 2016 is the best option. Btk is a biological pesticide approved by the Organic Materials Review Institute6 for use in the organic production of herbs, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and eld crops. Foray 48B, the formulation that would be used, is specific to caterpillars. Btk has previously been used in Oregon for the purpose of gypsy moth eradication for over 30 years. In each case, the moth was successfully and safely removed from those ecosystems.
How do gypsy moths get to Oregon? European gypsy moths mainly enter Oregon on infested items brought from eastern areas of the country where gypsy moth populations are established. e female lays her eggs on solid surfaces, such as outdoor furniture, recreational and other vehicles, firewood, birdhouses, and doghouses. As people travel from the eastern states, they often bring these contaminated items with them, allowing the moth to hatch and spread.
Asian gypsy moths, which are not established anywhere in North America, come into the state along the Columbia River via ships and shipping containers from Asia and Russia. Extensive screening is done by port officials, but due to the volume and origin of shipments, absolute elimination of this pest is difficult.
Why is the gypsy moth a destructive forest pest?
The gypsy moth is an exotic, highly destructive invasive species that has defoliated millions of acres of trees and shrubs in the northeastern United States. It is established in 19 states in the northeast and threatens new states each year. Gypsy moths can spread rapidly if not controlled and will feed on hundreds of tree and shrub species. Preferred hosts include oak, apple, alder, hazelnut, willow, birch, madrone, cottonwood, and plum. When populations are high, they have been shown to also feed on rs and other coniferous species. ere are two similar looking strains of gypsy moth that threaten Oregon: the European and the Asian. However, the European female does not fly and the Asian female does. e Asian gypsy moth also has a broader host range and will feed readily on pines and firs. Since the Asian gypsy moth has a broad host range and has the ability to y, it could spread rapidly in the Paci c Northwest.
What kind of damage does the gypsy moth do?
Gypsy moths pose significant economic, ecological, and recreational costs as populations defoliate natural and urban areas. Tree defoliation along streams can result in higher water temperatures and increased loading of organic material. As areas are defoliated, the entire habitat is a ected. Fish and other aquatic organisms, as well as terrestrial plants and animals, can su er due to the damage that they cause.
Gypsy moths may prevent shipments of trees, lumber, and nursery plants by forcing quarantine restrictions, which will a ect the economy of an infested area. Increased pesticide use often occurs once populations are established to keep their numbers from exploding. Caterpillars can induce rashes in those that su er allergic reactions from contact with caterpillar hairs.
Gypsy moth lifecycle
Gypsy moths produce one generation of o spring per year and lay 50-1000 eggs during the fall, depositing them in small fuzzy masses. Caterpillars hatch during the spring and begin to feed on host plants. In early July, the caterpillars transform into a non-feeding stage called the pupa and begin to develop into a moth. By mid- to late-July adult moths emerge, mate, and the life cycle begins again.
Early Detection Rapid Response protocol
The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) and affiliated organizations have successfully protected Oregon’s natural and agricultural areas from biological
invaders, such as gypsy moth, for approximately 40 years. e success of these projects has largely been attributed to applying the Early Detection Rapid
Response (EDRR) protocol for invasive species, which places a high priority on preventing introduction and establishment of any gypsy moths. To facilitate early
detection of newly introduced gypsy moths, ODA has a yearly large-scale trapping program throughout the state. In 2015 alone, over 15,000 gypsy moth traps were
deployed and monitored. e protocol states that the detection of a single gypsy moth will result in increased trapping and monitoring. If a breeding population of
gypsy moth is discovered, or thought likely based on trapping data, an eradication will likely be necessary. Eradicating gypsy moth populations when they are small allows an overall decrease in pesticide use. If allowed to establish in Oregon, controlling gypsy moth would require a much greater and wide spread use of pesticides.
Get involved
1. Report any suspected gypsy moth life stages to the Oregon Invasives Hotline (oregoninvasiveshotline. org/reports/new).
2. Do not move wood products, firewood, plant material, outdoor household articles, or recreational vehicles out of gypsy moth infested areas without proper certification.
3. Encourage anyone you know who has recently moved here or visited here from the northeastern US to contact ODA for a free inspection of outdoor household articles and recreational vehicles.
4. Volunteer to have a trap placed on your property during the summer (oregoninvasivespeciescouncil. org/agm).
5. Sign up for the Oregon Invasive Species Council newsletter to keep up to date with all invasive species issues in Oregon (
For more information:
Oregon Invasive Species Council
Oregon Department of Agriculture Plant Protection and Conservation Programs 635 Capitol St. NE Salem, OR 97301-2532 503-986-4636 or 1-800-525-0137
Extracted from "Gypsy Moth: A Destructive Forest Pest," and "Asian Gypsy Moth: Threat and Opportunity in Oregon," ODA and Oregon Invasive Species Council