SRN History
- Skyline Ridge Neighbors, Inc. (SRN) was originally started in 1987 as "Citizens for the Preservation of Skyline Ridge" (CPSR).
- On June 9, 1988, CPSR adopted its original Bylaws.
- First issue of Skyline Ridge Runner published by CPSR
- On February 1, 1989, Multnomah County Commissioners recognized CPSR as the neighborhood association for our area.
- First Summer Gathering held in 1992 as community picnic and fund-raiser for CPSR
- Skyline Rural Watch Newsline started in 1994 as phone message service; later changed to current email format
- In 1999, CPSR held a vote for a name change. The name was changed to Skyline Ridge Neighbors.
- We officially became Skyline Ridge Neighbors, Inc. on February 17, 2000.
- SRN was registered in 2000 as a non-profit public benefit corporation with the State of Oregon.
- SRN was approved in 2001 as a 501 (c)(4) non-profit organization under the IRS code.
- In 2005, SRN was re-classified by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) public charity.
- SRN is recognized by Multnomah County as the designated neighborhood association representing the rural northwestern portion of the county.