Join in for fun at the Summer Gathering - Saturday, July 22, 2023
By Suzanne Perra, SRN President
Let’s gather as a neighborhood on Saturday, July 22 at the Plumper Pumpkin Patch and Tree Farm, 11435 NW Old Cornelius Pass Road, and celebrate summer with food, music, kid’s activities and good company.
Last year we had record numbers at the Summer Gathering (approximately 300 neighbors). We also had a record number of people at our SRN Spring Meeting and SOLVE events in April. Neighborhood connections and communication are so important, and this is what we are all about. A big THANK YOU to our hosts the Kessinger Family for providing our Gathering venue once again in 2023. Again this year, we will start in the early evening and it will be a potluck, so bring your favorite side dish to share.
Time – 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Enjoy your day with what you love, be it kid’s sports, bike riding or gardening and then head over to Plumper Pumpkin for an evening of great food, music and neighbors.
4:00 - 9:00 Summer Gathering
4:00 - 6:30 Children’s Activities
4:00 - 7:30 Dinner is Served
4:00 - 7:30 Silent Auction (closings at 6:30 & 7:30)
5:00 - 9:30 Live Music
6:45 - 7:15 Oral Auction
9:00 Event Ends
Be sure to bring CASH for the 50/50 Raffle! Tickets are $5 / each or 5 tickets /$20
Let’s gather as a neighborhood on Saturday, July 22 at the Plumper Pumpkin Patch and Tree Farm, 11435 NW Old Cornelius Pass Road, and celebrate summer with food, music, kid’s activities and good company.
Last year we had record numbers at the Summer Gathering (approximately 300 neighbors). We also had a record number of people at our SRN Spring Meeting and SOLVE events in April. Neighborhood connections and communication are so important, and this is what we are all about. A big THANK YOU to our hosts the Kessinger Family for providing our Gathering venue once again in 2023. Again this year, we will start in the early evening and it will be a potluck, so bring your favorite side dish to share.
Time – 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Enjoy your day with what you love, be it kid’s sports, bike riding or gardening and then head over to Plumper Pumpkin for an evening of great food, music and neighbors.
4:00 - 9:00 Summer Gathering
4:00 - 6:30 Children’s Activities
4:00 - 7:30 Dinner is Served
4:00 - 7:30 Silent Auction (closings at 6:30 & 7:30)
5:00 - 9:30 Live Music
6:45 - 7:15 Oral Auction
9:00 Event Ends
Be sure to bring CASH for the 50/50 Raffle! Tickets are $5 / each or 5 tickets /$20
Above: 2022 Gathering silent auction photos. Click here for the 2023 Auction Catalog
It's a Potluck
Thank you so much to The Meating Place for providing us with their delicious pulled pork and buns. Skyline Grange members will provide some side dishes along with water, lemonade, plates, silverware and glasses. Please bring a dish to share with your neighbors. If you prefer beer or wine, please bring your own (and include glasses to minimize late evening cleanup).
Bring the Kids
Laura Watts and Casselle LaTourette are our Children’s Event Coordinators this year and they have all kinds of fun activities planned for the kids. There will also be farm animals to visit and outside play structures. Both Laura and Casselle have children and have previously led the Children’s activities. Don’t forget to bring your teens. This is a family event.
It’s a Fundraiser
The Summer Gathering Auction is our primary annual fundraiser. Over 80% of our revenue comes from this event. SRN depends entirely on support from the neighborhood to publish the Ridge Runner and Newsline, and to organize community events such as the SOLVE clean-up. We are a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization so your donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please consider donating your time or an item for the silent or oral auctions, making a cash donation or purchasing some of the wonderful auction items. A successful auction needs donors and bidders.
Business donors get a thank you mention in the October Skyline Ridge Runner, a mention on the SRN Facebook page and are featured in the online Auction Catalog. Please support local businesses this year by purchasing an item or gift certificate from them & donating it to the auction. Consider asking your contractors such as window washers, painters, weeders, HVAC maintenance, landscapers, etc., if they would like to contribute gift certificates.
Join the Team
The Gathering will be coordinated this year by Brad Graff and Tracey Larvenz. Stay tuned for details on the 2023 Gathering musical entertainment. Thank you to the following neighbors for leading the main Summer Gathering activities. We couldn’t do it without you: Auction – Nicole Anderson, John Chen and the entire SRN Board, Music – Brad Graff, Children’s Games – Laura Watts and Casselle LaTourette, Food – Sen Speroff, Greeters, Registration and Sign out – Rachael Brake, Table Setup and Cleanup – George Sowder, Flowers – Lisa Graff, and Community Relations – Alex Rose.
TVFR (Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue) will attend if their duties do not pull them away. There will be information specific to our neighborhood, including the Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET) and the Firewise Program. You will have the opportunity to talk about your latest neighborhood interests, be it traffic, Skyline Internet, Firewise, or just introduce yourself and get to know those who serve our community.
Cash donations are welcome as well. To make cash donations, please make checks payable to SRN and mail to to Rachael Brake, SRN Treasurer, 14109 NW Rock Creek Rd., Portland, OR 97231. Online donations to SRN can be made using Venmo (account @Rachael-Brake) and be sure to indicate it is a donation to SRN. Donations received that surpass essential Ridge Runner funding help SRN provide educational and safety programming for our entire community.
Summer Gathering Updates
Please sign up for the SRN Newsline emails at to keep track of any changes to the Summer Gathering. Also, please "Like" Skyline Ridge Neighbors on Facebook and check out periodically for updates.
Thank you so much to The Meating Place for providing us with their delicious pulled pork and buns. Skyline Grange members will provide some side dishes along with water, lemonade, plates, silverware and glasses. Please bring a dish to share with your neighbors. If you prefer beer or wine, please bring your own (and include glasses to minimize late evening cleanup).
Bring the Kids
Laura Watts and Casselle LaTourette are our Children’s Event Coordinators this year and they have all kinds of fun activities planned for the kids. There will also be farm animals to visit and outside play structures. Both Laura and Casselle have children and have previously led the Children’s activities. Don’t forget to bring your teens. This is a family event.
It’s a Fundraiser
The Summer Gathering Auction is our primary annual fundraiser. Over 80% of our revenue comes from this event. SRN depends entirely on support from the neighborhood to publish the Ridge Runner and Newsline, and to organize community events such as the SOLVE clean-up. We are a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization so your donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please consider donating your time or an item for the silent or oral auctions, making a cash donation or purchasing some of the wonderful auction items. A successful auction needs donors and bidders.
Business donors get a thank you mention in the October Skyline Ridge Runner, a mention on the SRN Facebook page and are featured in the online Auction Catalog. Please support local businesses this year by purchasing an item or gift certificate from them & donating it to the auction. Consider asking your contractors such as window washers, painters, weeders, HVAC maintenance, landscapers, etc., if they would like to contribute gift certificates.
Join the Team
The Gathering will be coordinated this year by Brad Graff and Tracey Larvenz. Stay tuned for details on the 2023 Gathering musical entertainment. Thank you to the following neighbors for leading the main Summer Gathering activities. We couldn’t do it without you: Auction – Nicole Anderson, John Chen and the entire SRN Board, Music – Brad Graff, Children’s Games – Laura Watts and Casselle LaTourette, Food – Sen Speroff, Greeters, Registration and Sign out – Rachael Brake, Table Setup and Cleanup – George Sowder, Flowers – Lisa Graff, and Community Relations – Alex Rose.
TVFR (Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue) will attend if their duties do not pull them away. There will be information specific to our neighborhood, including the Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET) and the Firewise Program. You will have the opportunity to talk about your latest neighborhood interests, be it traffic, Skyline Internet, Firewise, or just introduce yourself and get to know those who serve our community.
Cash donations are welcome as well. To make cash donations, please make checks payable to SRN and mail to to Rachael Brake, SRN Treasurer, 14109 NW Rock Creek Rd., Portland, OR 97231. Online donations to SRN can be made using Venmo (account @Rachael-Brake) and be sure to indicate it is a donation to SRN. Donations received that surpass essential Ridge Runner funding help SRN provide educational and safety programming for our entire community.
Summer Gathering Updates
Please sign up for the SRN Newsline emails at to keep track of any changes to the Summer Gathering. Also, please "Like" Skyline Ridge Neighbors on Facebook and check out periodically for updates.