Urban and Rural Reserves
Questions and Answers about Urban & Rural Reserves
(summarized from a presentation by George Sowder to the SRN general meeting on May 11, 2010)
What is a Urban Reserve?
An Urban reserve is an area considered to be suitable for Urban Growth Boundary expansion.
What is a Rural Reserve?
An Rural Reserve is an area considered to be unsuitable for UGB expansion
How will a rural reserve designation affect me?
The simple answer is, Rural Reserve designation will not change what you can do now. (the uses currently allowed under the base zoning will continue to allowed.)
How long do they last?
Rural reserves will have a “lifespan” from year 2010 to year 2060, or 50 years.
What areas are affected?Areas generally within 5 miles of the UGB were in the Study area (the current UGB is roughly 260,000 acres; the study area: 404,000 acres). All of the land within the SRN Boundaries has been designated as Rural Reserves.
For more information, visit:
Multnomah County
Questions and Answers about Urban & Rural Reserves
(summarized from a presentation by George Sowder to the SRN general meeting on May 11, 2010)
What is a Urban Reserve?
An Urban reserve is an area considered to be suitable for Urban Growth Boundary expansion.
What is a Rural Reserve?
An Rural Reserve is an area considered to be unsuitable for UGB expansion
How will a rural reserve designation affect me?
The simple answer is, Rural Reserve designation will not change what you can do now. (the uses currently allowed under the base zoning will continue to allowed.)
How long do they last?
Rural reserves will have a “lifespan” from year 2010 to year 2060, or 50 years.
What areas are affected?Areas generally within 5 miles of the UGB were in the Study area (the current UGB is roughly 260,000 acres; the study area: 404,000 acres). All of the land within the SRN Boundaries has been designated as Rural Reserves.
For more information, visit:
Multnomah County